Branding & Strategy
Branding, Rebranding, Attribute Analysis, Naming & Tagline Generation, Visual & Verbal Tone, Logo Development, and Brand Guidelines Construction.
No campaign is effective without a strong brand, similarly no stone is powerful without a strong sling. David’s tool was but a sole slingshot. Although it may have been the stone that tackled the giant, it was the sling that gave the stone it’s direction and power. It was strong, memorable and it was bold. A tool and identity that you can carry at all times. Your slingshot is your brand, your look, your colors and logo. It launches your ideas, voice and products with precision to tackle what’s ahead of you.
Creative Production & Graphic Design
Competitive Analysis, Campaign Concepting, Storyboarding, Layouts & Mockups, and Media Planning, Website creation.
You have the sling. Let’s find the stones. David was meticulous about which stones he chose from the brook, and you should be too, as not every stone slays a giant. He assessed his situation and chose smooth stones to tackle his task. You may need rigid heavy stones for yours. Let's assess your battlefield and find the perfect stone for you. This may be a campaign, an individual project, or a bold idea unique to you. Different stones are made for different purposes, so let's not throw them willy nilly, let’s find the one for you.
Market Interaction & Advertising
Online Video & Television, Social Media Ads/Profiles/Content, Billboards & Signage, Web Display Ads, Brochures & Direct Mail, Letterhead & Business Cards, and Branded Events & Public Stunts.
Here we take the sling in one hand, our stones in the other and let them fly. This is where the action happens, giants fall and flags are raised. Here, powerful brands and bold ideas come together to execute a mission. This is your media, your Facebook ads, your creative video or your promotional product. Let’s share your message with the world and raise your flag.
That’s what we do. Here’s how to start.
01. Reach out
Reach out with any need, desire or confusion you have for your brand. We bet we can help! Even if it is a simple question we would love to share our insight with you. Reach out today.
02. Introduction
This part is easy. We will set up a meeting with you and listen to anything and everything you are feeling. What are your dreams for your brand? What obstacles stand in your way? What’s holding you back?
03. proposal
Here you don’t have to do anything. We will discuss, ideate and put together how we can work with you to make those dreams possible and how we can take down the giant before you. We will give you our pitch and leave you to think it through.
04. Excecute
This is the best part. Here it is time to take the dreams and make them a reality. We get started right away, and keep you a part of the process, making sure your vision, passion and heart is reflected in everything we create.